April 27, 2023

KS ambassador Kilian Bron and his team have returned from an unforgettable adventure, one that took them across three countries in South America.

For two months, they had explored some of the most incredible places on the continent, capturing breathtaking images along the way.

Their journey began at the foot of the FUEGO volcano in Guatemala, just one day before it was due to erupt. The team was undaunted by the potential danger, and they set out to capture the volcano’s raw power and beauty.

They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, with footage that captured the fiery explosion in all its glory.

From there, Kilian and his team traveled to Bolivia, where they were greeted by the colorful facades of the Barrio Chualluma in La Paz.

The team was struck by the vibrant energy of the place, with its winding streets and lively markets. They spent several days exploring the area, capturing the essence of this unique city.

Next, they headed to the Valle de las Animas, a geological wonderland filled with towering rock formations and twisting canyons.

The team was amazed by the sheer scale of the landscape, and they spent hours hiking and biking through the rugged terrain, capturing stunning footage of the otherworldly scenery.

Their journey then took them to the Auzangate mountain range, where they encountered some of the most breathtaking views of the entire trip. The team was struck by the contrasts of this place, from the snow-capped peaks to the lush valleys below.

But it wasn’t just the stunning natural beauty of South America that captivated Kilian and his team. They also encountered some incredible people along the way, like the Cholitas Escaladoras, a group of Aymara women who climb the region’s peaks in traditional dress. Kilian was inspired by these women, who defied traditional gender roles and embraced their love of the outdoors.

Throughout their journey, Kilian and his team were fueled by a sense of adventure and a passion for exploring the unknown. They pushed themselves to their limits, testing their skills and pushing the boundaries of what they thought was possible.

And now, with FUEGO, their latest masterpiece, they’re sharing their experiences with the world. This film is an ode to the power of travel, to the thrill of the unknown, and to the joy of pushing ourselves beyond our limits. It’s a testament to the human spirit, to our innate desire to explore and discover new things.

Watching FUEGO, you can’t help but be inspired. Inspired to travel, to explore, to take risks and push yourself to new heights. Kilian and his team have shown us what’s possible when we embrace the unknown and follow our dreams. They’ve shown us the beauty of this world, and the power of the human spirit. And for that, we can all be grateful.

Rider: Kilian Bron
Photos: JB Liautard
KS product: LEV Integra dropper seat post / Southpaw i-spec EV